Thursday, February 12, 2009

Getting ready for Valentine's Day

Pretty soon the pile will engulf me!

Dollar store booty for Valentine's crafts.
First load done
Writing your name on 64 Valentine's is good handwriting practice. ( and a certain someone needs it! ;)

Jed and I spent a delicious, early morning getting our Valentine's together for the big party on Friday. I love those quiet times when my brain is free and clear and so much can be accomplished in a relaxed manner. :)
Manny joined us later and we got the bulk of it done. I ran out of little baggies so we had to finish up later in the day after another Dollar Store run.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Im sorry mother but you take kinda bad pictures ):


Streams of consciousness from a mother of 10 who usually can't collect her thoughts and finds commas a nuisance.