Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010

What am I thinking? About many a heavy subject.
Outside my window: Cloudy and cool but what a week we had!
Weren't we just ice skating on this pond a couple weeks ago?
Rochester ducks have very specific dietary restrictions. ;)
Manny took this picture!
Manny on his new bike. His first run other than around the house and he did pretty well. I am pleased to say no fellow pedestrians were injured while we were out, although there were a few hair raising moments. I need to make a new rule for myself. Only one bike-rider under 10 when we are out on walks. :)
Jed. I really DO have 10 children. It seems like only these three make it into most of the pictures. :)
Gabriella looking sunshiny and springy!

rom the schoolroom: Only 55 more calendar days of school. This nice weather is not helping matters!

From the kitchen: Had a nice spaghetti dinner last night made by Dyl AND Zak. Zak always has to improve on whoever is making the spaghetti sauce. :)

I am reading and watching:

Watching season 2 of "Lark Rise to Candleford" What WILL we do when we have to wait for season 3 to make it's appearance, gosh knows when?

Found the book at the library and it is wonderfully charming, besides being a very interesting glimpse of rural English life before the Industrial revolution.

Love and Hatred: The Stormy Marriage of Leo and Sonya Tolstoy ....What a title! :) But it is an interesting book about the great author and his wife. I am hoping to go see "The Last Station" this week with Al!

Around the house: I actually was inspired to start rummaging through the bins of summer clothing. Now there is a laundry back up, but at least I am somewhat ahead of the game.

Cute kid sayings and doings: My mind draws a blank.

What we will do this week: Naomi ( God willing :) will finally be confirmed this week. That brings a few practices, retreats and the like.

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Streams of consciousness from a mother of 10 who usually can't collect her thoughts and finds commas a nuisance.