Friday, June 27, 2008

God is good and Noah is "all that and a bag of chips!"

About two weeks ago we were blessed by a family from St Cyril who was done with their swing set and wanted to give it away to a good home. (It took a bit to actually get it up :).
I have long wanted a swingset for our backyard since we currently have a good number of swingset- users. It was always hard to justify buying one since we have two parks within walking distance, and a few more not much farther.
My latest scheme was to get Tim and Noah to build a simple wood frame and hang some swings on it ( like one we made when we lived in Georgia). Instead we were given ( that's right, GIVEN=FREE) the Taj Mahal of swingsets and our resident handy-man Noah put it up ( trust me, if you aren't married to a handyman, having a son for one is the next best thing! ;)

We have a lot of joyful littles and not so littles around here! Now, if it would only stop raining and quit making a huge puddle under it, we'll be all set ;). (Some sod might help-eh?)

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Streams of consciousness from a mother of 10 who usually can't collect her thoughts and finds commas a nuisance.