Friday, June 27, 2008

God is good and Noah is "all that and a bag of chips!"

About two weeks ago we were blessed by a family from St Cyril who was done with their swing set and wanted to give it away to a good home. (It took a bit to actually get it up :).
I have long wanted a swingset for our backyard since we currently have a good number of swingset- users. It was always hard to justify buying one since we have two parks within walking distance, and a few more not much farther.
My latest scheme was to get Tim and Noah to build a simple wood frame and hang some swings on it ( like one we made when we lived in Georgia). Instead we were given ( that's right, GIVEN=FREE) the Taj Mahal of swingsets and our resident handy-man Noah put it up ( trust me, if you aren't married to a handyman, having a son for one is the next best thing! ;)

We have a lot of joyful littles and not so littles around here! Now, if it would only stop raining and quit making a huge puddle under it, we'll be all set ;). (Some sod might help-eh?)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

25 years ago today.....

I was a blushing bride. Well, on second thought I don't think I was really blushing. I was pretty over confident and maybe a bit cocky as young girl's in love often are :).
I really do admire my parent's subdued reaction to the whole affair. I can't imagine having similar restraint if my 18 yo daughter ( actually I was 17 when we got engaged) came to me with this news. My dad gently tried to discuss waiting with me, but I was having none of it. They then very kindly and lovingly supported us and financed a beautiful wedding. I guess they had the wisdom to know that even though you are quite young at 18, you still must make and live with your own decisions.
I applaud them for it.
Of course, an 18 yo marrying a 21 yo could have ended in complete disaster and often does.
God has graciously allowed us 25 years together.
Of course, like any other marriage it has had it's ups and downs. Some of the sandpapery type moments have felt more like an industrial sander grinding off huge chunks of wood and throwing them through the air. On the other hand, and I said this to Tim once not long ago, I proclaim without hesitation that even if everything was a horrible mess in my life from here on out, I could still say I have lived a charmed life because of my years with him.
That's not say we don't have lots more to learn or things to work on. We are both prickly people and we prickle at each other. A lot sometimes. On one hand that is not a good thing for any relationship nor is it good for people who have to live some of that relationship with you. On the other, maybe it is a testament to the fact that we both feel so comfortable around each other....we just let our hair down in whatever form it comes in.
That is the gift my husband gives me. The ability to just be me. I almost can't imagine anything I could say or do that would make him give up on his commitment to me and our family. I know that there are things I say and do right now that give him a run for his money, yet he always keeps trying and keeps standing firm.
Besides God, he is the rock we all jump on when the waters get rough and high around here,
the glue that keeps our family together when emotions cloud our minds or outside influences blurry our vision.
I am a blessed and grateful woman.
Cheers! Here's to 25 more!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

(Catching up!) 2008 CYO Sharks Baseball Picnic

Jackson won the JV Boy's "St Maximillan Kolbe" award for dedication to his team!

Yay Jax!

(Catching up!) Prevail Sports Banquet 2008

Best Offensive Player-- Varsity Girl's Soccer
MVP, Best Defensive Player Varsity Girl's Basketball

(The opposing team is lookin' frightened! ;)
Pele is her nickname

This week......

Simple Woman’s Daybook for June 23rd


Outside my window. . .my tomato plants are thriving. Maybe I could get the hang of this gardening thing if we had more sunlight in our backyard! :)

I am thinking. . .a lot about self discipline this week.

I am thankful for. . .25 years of marriage with dh.

From the kitchen. . .chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, tocana & rice. Last night we made chicken and beef shish ka bobs and homemade pita chips with yogurt dip.

I am creating. . .a new and improved laundry room! ( and a couple curtains this week).

I am going. . .out for dinner with dh and Al tomorrow! ( and mom and dad & dh on Sunday to the restaurant our reception was at :)

I am wearing. . .black sport bermuda's, a green t, a baseball cap and barefeet. :) It's been a toss up between tennis shoes and flip flops today.

I am reading. . . "All Over but the Shoutin"

I am hoping. . .I can watch another episode of "John Adams" tonight. As angry as HBO makes me at times, I've got to admit this is a stellar work.

I am hearing. . . Ella chattering, Tim talking, Ratatouille on tv, Manny snuggling on my lap ( he always makes some sort of noise-- even when he is just sitting ;).

Around the house. . .re-organizing the kitchen and cleaning up the basement.

One of my favorite things. . .going for a walk with the littles ( or any of the kids!)....Manny is especially cute because he usually gets out of the stroller or wagon and RUNS the whole way ( and we don't just go for a leisurely, short stroll. ) Oh--to be able to bottle that energy!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . . Hopefully Mass on Friday and getting to hear Fr Frank Pavone, maybe a trip to the zoo ( probably next week:) swimming lessons with Jed starts on Saturday. This is major grocery shopping week, and it looks like the swingset WILL be up!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you. . .whoops---see top of page :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

( Catching up!)Aunt Nancy's Birthday Gathering (thanks to Auntie Nita!


The whole gang


the twins!

so tired I fell asleep sitting up (JK)

This week's daybook entry ( a little late :)

Outside My Window ... The sun starting to peak through the clouds. Birds chirping merrily.
I am thinking ...about how to get the house in ship shape order for Dad's arrival home later today. ( Most urgently is getting the flooded, now unflooded basement cleaned up :(
I am thankful for ... a summer break, a less strict routine, time for walks, reading, visits to the park, watching interesting dvds ( this week it has been HBO's John Adams-amazing! and a "Titanic" documentary) without that familiar *rushed* feeling.
From the kitchen ... strawberries, strawberries and more strawberries. The kids and I went strawberry picking and made some strawberry rhubarb jam, strawberry freezer jam and strawberry pie. Delish!
I am wearing ... black sweat capri's, a light blue pullover and old tennis shoes. I am dressed to clean the basement even though I am avoiding it right now :)
I am creating ...summertime schedules, lots of jam, and we all made get well cards for Nan earlier.
I am going ...probably to the airport today. I was thinking of adding a trip to the one and only Sonic in Michigan on the way, but we'll see. It'll add another half hour and I hate driving! :) ( even for a cherry limeaide!)
I am reading ... "Fragile Paradise" about the Bounty Mutiny written by a descendant of Fletcher Christian, very interesting story. I've also made some progress on "The Children of Kind Henry the 8th"
I am hoping start painting the laundry room before it gets too hot again.

I am hearing ... Zak snoring. He had to sleep in the family room because his other room is in the basement.
Around the house ... hopefully painting, like I said, hopefully get started on a couple sewing projects as well.

One of my favorite things
...the early morning peace and quiet and ability to tackle things without a lot of interruptions :)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: well, since there is not much left....I think the biggest plan is to get the swingset up once Tim gets home!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing~Well, I have more than one. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Can't anything ever be easy?

I remember my boss from the flower shop I worked at saying this quite a bit in days past.
I used to inwardly chuckle at her *stressing* out because I was just a young girl ( well, I was married, but still young :) and since my life wasn't overly complicated OR stressful most of the time I couldn't imagine what she could be crabbing about!

Well, times have changed :) and I often find myself muttering the same thing. It seems like the simplest task is always made more complicated by a myriad of problems.

Today was a perfect example.

It was hot and looked like it was going to stay hot for a couple days so the kids wanted to fill up the pool. What could be simpler?

First we had to hook up the hose. We actually have a hose on there, but it goes down to the basement toilet ( don't ask :). Once we got that undone so we didn't have to fish it up through the basement window we tried hooking up the new hose I had just bought only to find it didn't fit on the spigot correctly and was leaking like crazy.
We then found an old hose nearby and decided to give that a try.......after I spend about 15 minutes untangling it.

Great! That one worked. On to finding the pool. Found.......but absolutely filthy! Gosh, it was caked with mud ( not surprising since our yard is a bit slim on grass coverage). Jackson and I spend at least another 15 minutes scrubbing and rinsing it ( of course it had many little *creases* that had the most grub in them).

Got it set up, but needed some sort of pump to fill up the rings ( no way I was going to try blowing them up myself). Another great chunk of time trying to find the pump THAT IS USUALLY ON THE SHELF IN THE GARAGE! grrrrr The pump didn't work very well (bicycle type). Remembered we had an electric one that worked terrificly ( AFTER we had to go looking for extension cords to plug it in with :).

Deep breath! FINALLY!!!! The hose went in and up came the water, but at that point I was shaking my head at the humongous amount of time spent for such a small payoff :) ( well, for me, anyway...the kids got about 15 minutes of fun out of it all before they were off to do something else.)

I am writing this to make sure that some day when life is less complicated and perhaps even boring.............................................

I will look back and chuckle inwardly at myself *stressing* out. ;)

Streams of consciousness from a mother of 10 who usually can't collect her thoughts and finds commas a nuisance.