Saturday, August 14, 2010


Swimming in the hotel pool was a popular past-time.
American Civil War Museum


We were blessed with a little unexpected trip to Richmond, Va. We were able to travel with Tim on a work project. It is a beautiful and historic place. Funny, we lived about an hour and a half away from Richmond for a year or so and only visited once. And it was for a conference, so I personally didn't tour through it besides the convention center.Oooh it was hot, though. That put a bit of a damper on touristy plans ( ie: I really wanted to visit Jamestown but I am glad I didn't) This estate was called "Maymont" and we had to walk about a half a block to get to the house. Since the thermometer read 102 that short walk was tortuous.
But, a beautiful place. Even the littles were impressed!

G taking a breather! :)

Manny in front of the turtle aquarium at the Maymont Nature Center.
Jackson in front of a statue of his namesake; Stonewall!
St John's Episcopal Church where Patrick Henry gave his famous "Give me Liberty" speech! This neighborhood was particularly charming. Almost like you were stepping back in time.

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Streams of consciousness from a mother of 10 who usually can't collect her thoughts and finds commas a nuisance.